Chapitre n° 15 - (VERSO)
Address:- At usual rates
Miss L.M. Montgomery
P.E. Island.
The Pot of Gold At the Rainbows End.
L.M. Montgomery
The sun shone out on the passing cloud
Through a crystal fringe of glittering rain,
And over its darkness a rainbow arched
The shimmering hues of its span again,
And afar in the dreamy distance dipped
It seemed to rest on a fair green hill,
We saw it there with our childish eyes
And our hearts with a wonderful hope athrill.
For we had been told and believed it true
That could we but follow that shining bend
To its meeting spot with earth we’d find
A pot of gold at the rainbow’s end.
La première page « The Pot of Gold at the Rainbows End » (Le chaudron d’or au bout de l’arc-en-ciel) publié dans le Portland Transcript en septembre 1898. Le nom de l’auteur qui y est écrit est « S.M. Montgomery », probablement une faute de frappe de la part de l’imprimeur.