Chapitre n° 25 - (VERSO)
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Anne stood among them, bright-eyed and animated as they; but Matthew suddenly became conscious that there was something about her different from her mates. And what worried Matthew was that the difference impressed him as being something that should not exist. Anne had a brighter face and bigger, starrier eyes, and more delicate features than the others; even shy, unobservant Matthew had learned to take note of these things; but the difference that disturbed him did not consist in any of these respects. Then in what did it consist?
Matthew was haunted by this question long after the girls had gone (commencer subscript)^(fin subscript)(commencer superscript)arm in arm(fin superscript) down the long hard-frozen lane and Anne had betaken herself to her books.
« Anne stood among them, bright-eyed and animated » (Anne se tenait parmi elles, animée, les yeux aussi brillants) : l’illustration de Hilton Hassel (1969) pour l’édition de Ryerson montre Matthew qui regarde Anne vêtue d’une robe banale.