Chapter 34
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and gnaws and cannot wash itself away in ready tears. But that night, when Marilla went to bed, acutely (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)miserably conscious(end superscript) conscious that the little gable room at the end of the hall was untenanted by any vivid vivid young life and unstirred by any soft breathing, she buried her face in her pillow and wept for her girl in a passion of sobs that appalled her when she grew calm enough to reflect how very wicked it must be to “take on” so about a sinful fellow creature.
Anne and the rest of the Avonlea scholars reached town just in time to hurry off to the Academy. That first day passed pleasantly enough in a whirl of excitement,

"to hurry off to the Academy": Montgomery relished her time at "the Academy" and probably enjoyed spending time reliving some of the excitement with Anne. She pasted many relics of this time in her scrapbook like this copy of The College Record from April of 1894 (Red Scrapbook, p. 33; Imagining Anne, p.138).
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