Exhibit Team:
Dr. Emily Woster, University of Minnesota Duluth
Contributing Consultant:
Dr. Elizabeth Epperly, Professor Emerita University of Prince Edward Island
Project Manager:
Emily Horne
Lillian Xie
Confederation Centre of the Arts:
Art Gallery Director/Exhibit Lead:
Kevin Rice
Monique Lafontaine, certified translator
Kathleen MacKinnon
University of Prince Edward Island:
University Librarian, Robertson Library:
Donald Moses
Digital Initiatives Librarian:
Keltie MacPhail
Robyn Thomson
Graphcom Team:
Site Design/Project Lead:
Craig MacLeod
Web Development/Programming:
Elizabeth Scott
Emma MacPhail
This project would not have been possible without the insight, expertise, labour, and cooperation of the following, in alphabetical order:
Jane Affleck, copyeditor
Christian Bérubé, certified translator
John Boylan, P.E.I. Archives and Records Office
Heather Bryan, Art Director, Nimbus Publishing
Dr. Donna Campbell, Research Associate, L.M Montgomery Institute
George and Maureen Campbell, Anne of Green Gables Museum, Park Corner
Lara Carleton, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Mary Beth Cavert, editor of The Shining Scroll
Carolyn Strom Collins, researcher and President of the Friends of the LMMI
Phil Culhane,
Elizabeth DeBlois, Promotions Officer, Parks Canada
Gayle DeGagné, Archivist, Royal Winnipeg Ballet Archives
Jean-Sébastien Duchesne, photographer
Valérie Dupont, Québec Amérique
Eric Edward, Macphail Woods
Dave Hickey, University of Prince Edward Island
Jim Hornby, historian and author
Simon Lloyd, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, Robertson Library
Barbara MacDonald, Parks Canada
Kate Macdonald Butler, grand-daughter of L.M. Montgomery and President of the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc.
Kathleen MacKinnon, Registrar, Confederation Centre of the Arts
Jennie Macneill, Site of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home
David Macneill, Site of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home
Keltie MacPhail, Robertson Library
Duncan McMillan, great-grand-nephew of G.B. MacMillan, Scotland
Gillian Manford, Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph
Fraser McCallum, Marketing, Confederation Centre of the Arts
Whitney Moran, Editor, Nimbus Publishing
Donald Moses, University Librarian, Robertson Library
Caroline Rochefort, certified translator
Jason Rogerson, Confederation Centre of the Arts
Mary Rubio, Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph
Christiane Ryan, certified translator
Katherine Scarth, Chair in L.M. Montgomery Studies; Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture, U.P.E.I.
Philip Smith, Chair of the L.M. Montgomery Institute, U.P.E.I.
Robyn Thomson, Digitization, University of Prince Edward Island
Deborah Vail, Confederation Centre of the Arts
Elizabeth Waterston, Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph
Anne Woster, Anne Victoria Photography
And the generous support of these individuals:
Siobhan Armstrong
Marc Braithwaite
Anne-Louise Brookes
Justine Campbell
Joanne Craig
Adam Gallant
Allison Hodge
Sodam Jeong
Terry Kamikawa
Vivian Macdonald
Angela Simpson
Tamara Steele
John Wilcox
Richard Wood
This online project was developed with the support of the Digital Museums Canada investment program. Digital Museums Canada is managed by the Canadian Museum of History, with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Yoshiko Akamatsu, Notre Dame Seishin University, Okayama, Japan, publishes articles on Montgomery’s works in English and Japanese, most recently in L.M. Montgomery in Conversation about Children and Childhood(s) (2022).
Lisa Bennett, Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing and English at Flinders University, specializes in the Viking Age, genre fiction, and creative practice, and she is the author of Writing Bestsellers: Love, Money and Creative Practice (with Kim Wilkins, 2021).
Claire E. Campbell is an environmental historian writing about the shore from away, as with “‘A window looking seaward’: Finding Environmental History in the Writing of L.M. Montgomery,” in The Greater Gulf: Essays on the Environmental History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (2020).
Kylie Cardell teaches English and Creative Writing at Flinders University; her research focuses on autobiography studies, and she is the editor (with Kate Douglas) of Telling Tales: Autobiography of Childhood and Youth (2015).
Mary Beth Cavert, an independent scholar specializing in the kinship and friendship ties of L.M. Montgomery, is publisher of The Shining Scroll.
Doreley Coll is Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Carolyn Strom Collins is an author and independent researcher. She is the editor of Anne of Green Gables: The Original Manuscript (Nimbus, 2019) and founder of the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society and the Friends of the L.M. Montgomery Institute.
Elizabeth R. Epperly, Professor Emerita of English, U.P.E.I., is founder of the L.M. Montgomery Institute and was the first woman President of U.P.E.I.
Susan Lynn Erdmann is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway.
Sarah Freeburn is an undergraduate student in Diversity and Social Justice at the University of Prince Edward Island. She serves as a Student Assistant at the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.
Ásta Gísladóttir, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.
Vappu Kannas is a Finnish independent scholar and author who has published two novels and a poetry book as well as several articles on L. M. Montgomery.. She holds a PhD in English from the University of Helsinki and her dissertation examines Montgomery's life-writing.
Laura Leden has a Ph.D. in translation studies and children's literature and recently published an article on the Swedish Emily translations in the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.
Irina Levchenko is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Vienna and a literary translator.
Jennifer H. Litster is an independent Montgomery scholar in Scotland.
Edward MacDonald, Department of History and Classics, University of Prince Edward Island, specializes in the social and cultural history of his native province, where his tenth book, The Summer Trade: A History of Tourism on Prince Edward Island (co-authored with Alan MacEachern) was released in March 2022.
Josh MacFadyen is a Canada Research Chair in Geospatial Humanities and an Associate Professor in the Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture program at the University of Prince Edward Island.
Kate Macdonald Butler is the President of the Heirs of L.M. Montgomery, Inc.
Alan MacEachern is a Professor of History at the University of Western Ontario. He is the co-author of the recently published The Summer Trade: A History of Tourism on Prince Edward Island, and he is currently writing a history based on the diary of Myrtle Webb, who lived in Green Gables for four decades—even after it was expropriated to become part of P.E.I. National Park.
Fraser McCallum, M.P.R., is a Charlottetown-based writer, musician, and communications professional. His work centres on local and national arts, heritage, cultural organizations, including Parks Canada and for many years, he was publicist for the Confederation Centre Art Gallery/The Charlottetown Festival, home to the long-running Anne of Green Gables—The MusicalTM.
Eri Muraoka, grand-daughter of Hanako Muraoka and author of Anne's Cradle: The Life & Works of Hanako Muraoka, Japanese Translator of Anne of Green Gables, translated by Cathy Hirano, Nimbus Publishing, 2021.
Kateryna Nikolenko is a Ph.D. candidate at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine.
Olga Nikolenko, Professor, Chair of World Literatures Department at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Idette Noomé lectures in English language, literature (including Montgomery), and editing in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), and her essay "The Nature of the Beast: Pets and People in L.M. Montgomery’s Fiction" was included in L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s) (2018).
Barbara Gawronska Pettersson is Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation at the University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway.
Dorota Pielorz is Faculty of Polish Studies at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Laura Robinson is the Dean of Arts and Professor of English and Theatre/Women’s and Gender Studies at Acadia University. With E. Holly Pike, she edited the volume of essays L.M. Montgomery and Gender (McGill-Queen's University Press 2021).
Sam Roodi is a Professor of Communications at Fanshawe College.
Catherine Sheldrick Ross, R.S.C., Professor Emerita at Western University was a renowned scholar of library science and reading, whose research explored pleasure reading, re-reading, and libraries.
Sigríður Lára Sigurjónsdóttir is a Professor of Icelandic Linguistics, Faculty of Icelandic and Comparative Cultural Studies, in the School of Humanities, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
Bonnie Tulloch, Ph.D. candidate, School of Information, University of British Columbia, has written several research papers related to Anne of Green Gables, one of which was recently published in the Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.
Åsa Warnqvist is Research Manager and Director of the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books. Her research focuses on L.M. Montgomery’s success in Sweden, the Swedish children’s book market, gender studies, and normativity studies.
Betsy Watkins is an independent fashion historian whose work is displayed in the Kenosha Civil War Museum in Kenosha, Wisconsin and the Cincinnati History Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Emily Woster is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, past Visiting Scholar at the L.M. Montgomery Institute, and researcher of Montgomery’s reading and life writing.
From the L.M. Montgomery Institute's The Bend in the Road CD-ROM (2000)
Rev. Dr. F.W.P. Bolger
Elaine Campbell
George Campbell
Maureen Campbell
Norman Campbell
Kelly Crawford
Elizabeth R. Epperly
Jennie Macneill
Elizabeth Mawson
Chapter Title Readers
- Chapter 1, "Mrs. Lynde Is Surprised," Kate Macdonald Butler, Heirs of L.M. Montgomery
- Chapter 2, "Matthew Cuthbert Is Surprised," Donald Moses, Robertson Library, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 3, "Marilla Cuthbert Is Surprised," Åsa Warnqvist, Swedish Institute for Children’s Books
- Chapter 4, "Morning at Green Gables," Jennie Macneill, Site of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Cavendish Home
- Chapter 5, "Anne's History," Claire Campbell, Bucknell University
- Chapter 6, "Marilla Makes Up Her Mind," Andrea McKenzie, York University
- Chapter 7, "Anne Says Her Prayers," Brenton Dickieson, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 8, "Anne's Bringing-up Is Begun," Elizabeth DeBlois, Parks Canada
- Chapter 9, "Mrs. Rachel Lynde is Properly Horrified," Simon Lloyd, Robertson Library, U.P.E.I
- Chapter 10, "Anne's Apology," Carolyn Collins, L.M. Montgomery Literary Society and Friends of the L.M.M.I.
- Chapter 11, "Anne's Impressions of Sunday-school," Melanie Whitfield, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario
- Chapter 12, "A Solemn Vow and Promise," Kathy Gastle, Heritage Association of Halton Hills
- Chapter 13, "The Delights of Anticipation," Donna Campbell, L.M.M.I.
- Chapter 14, "Anne's Confession," George Campbell, Anne of Green Gables Museum, Park Corner, P.E.I.
- Chapter 15, "A Tempest in the School Teapot," Elizabeth Waterston, University of Guelph
- Chapter 16, "Diana Is Invited to Tea with Tragic Results," Laura Robinson, Acadia University
- Chapter 17, A New Interest in Life," Tracy Doucette, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 18, "Anne to the Rescue," Mary Beth Cavert, L.M. Montgomery Literary Society and Friends of the L.M.M.I.
- Chapter 19, "A Concert, a Catastrophe, and a Confession," Kevin Rice, Confederation Centre of the Arts
- Chapter 20, "A Good Imagination Gone Wrong," Alan MacEachern, Western University
- Chapter 21, "A New Departure in Flavorings," Dave Hickey, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 22, "Anne is Invited Out to Tea," Yolanda Hood, Robertson Library, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 23, "Anne Comes to Grief in an Affair of Honor," Holly Pike, Memorial University, Grenfell Campus
- Chapter 24, "Miss Stacy and Her Pupils Get Up a Concert," Kathy Wasalenky, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario
- Chapter 25, "Matthew Insists on Puffed Sleeves," Melanie Fishbane, Western University
- Chapter 26, "The Story Club Is Formed," Barb Pratt, Lucy Maud Montgomery Society of Ontario
- Chapter 27, "Vanity and Vexation of Spirit," Mary Rubio, University of Guelph
- Chapter 28, "An Unfortunate Lily Maid," Emily Woster, University of Minnesota Duluth
- Chapter 29, "An Epoch in Anne's Life," Anne Woster, Anne Victoria Photography
- Chapter 30, "The Queen's Class Is Organized," Benjamin Lefebvre, director of L.M. Montgomery Online and editor of The L.M. Montgomery Readers and The L.M. Montgomery Library series
- Chapter 31, "Where the Brook and River Meet," Steve Bellamy, Confederation Centre of the Arts
- Chapter 32, "The Pass List is Out," Ed MacDonald, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 33, "The Hotel Concert," Michelle Arbing, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 34, "A Queen's Girl," Hon. Catherine Callbeck, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 35, "The Winter at Queen's," Janice Trowsdale, Bideford Parsonage Museum
- Chapter 36, "The Glory and the Dream," Kate Scarth, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 37, "The Reaper Whose Name is Death," Philip Smith, U.P.E.I.
- Chapter 38, "The Bend in the Road," Elizabeth Epperly, U.P.E.I.
L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon, The Story Girl, and The Blue Castle are trademarks of Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc.
Anne of Green Gables and other indicia of Anne are trademarks and Canadian official marks of the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority Inc.
Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge that the L.M. Montgomery Institute and the Confederation Centre of the Arts operate on Epekwitk, the traditional, ancestral, and contemporary lands of the Mi’kmaq people. This land, about which Montgomery wrote so beautifully, was never conquered, surrendered, given up, or ceded by the Mi’kmaq, who have lived here for over 12,000 years. The Peace and Friendship treaties from 1725 and beyond guaranteed Mi’kmaq the right to hunt, fish, gather, and earn a reasonable living without British interference. The British went against these treaties and caused the death, displacement, and dispossession of many Mi’kmaq people. Because the Mi’kmaq were never conquered, and never surrendered Epekwitk, all settler occupations including the LMMI and the CCA, remain on unceded territory. The Mi'kmaq were present on Montgomery's island, but they are absent from Anne of Green Gables.