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Chapter 34 - (VERSO)

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better than all the rest. She’s been a blessing to us, and there never was a luckier mistake than what Mrs. Spencer made.” M18

The day finally came when Anne must go to town. She and Matthew drove in one fine September morning, after a tearful parting with Diana and an untearful practical one – on Marilla’s side at least – with Marilla. But when Anne had gone Diana dried her tears and went to a beach picnic at White Sands with some of her Carmody cousins, where she contrived to enjoy herself tolerably well; while Marilla plunged fiercely int into unnecessary work and kept at it all day long with the bitterest kind of a heartache—the ache that burns


LMM Notes

LMM Note M18
—if it was luck. I don't believe it was any such thing. It was Providence, because the Almighty saw we needed her, I reckon."