Chapter 19
Anne’s(begin subscript) ^(end subscript)(begin superscript)consequent(end superscript) humiliation was less than it might have been, however, in view of the concert. She and and the spare-room bed. She and Diana talked so constantly about it all day that with a stricter teacher than Mr. Phillips, dire disgrace must inevitably have been their portion.
Anne felt that she could not have borne it if she had not been going to the concert, for nothing else was discussed that day in school. The Avonlea Debating Club, which met fortnightly all winter, had had several smaller (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)free(end superscript) entertainments; but this was to be a big affair, admission ten cents, in aid of the library. The Avonlea young people had been practising
"331": The second "3" was clearly a "2" that she corrected. She repeats this correction across this chapter.
"aid of the library": In Cavendish, the community lending library was kept in the Baptist Church, and Montgomery was in charge of selecting books to purchase.
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph, L.M. Montgomery Collection