Chapter 35
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wished to win for the sake of defeating Gilbert; rather, for the proud consciousness of a well-won victory over a worthy foeman. It would be worthwhile to win but she no longer thought life would be insupportable if she did not.
In spite of lessons the students found opportunities for pleasant times. Anne spent many of her spare hours at Beechwood and generally ate her Sunday dinner there and went to church with Miss Barry. The latter was, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)as she admitted,(end superscript) growing old, but her black eyes were not dim nor the vigour of her tongue in the least abated[.] But she never sharpened the latter on Anne, who continued to be a prime favourite with the critical old lady.
“That Anne-girl improves all the time,” she said. “I get tired of other
"pleasant times": Montgomery certainly enjoyed her P.W.C. days. She published in the College Record, in 1894, "The Usual Way," a comic playlet about two College students, Millicent and Rose, who convince themselves they are studying hard while actually eating chocolates, watching passersby, and gossiping. She also published a piece called "Extracts from the Diary of a Second Class Mouse." Many of her journal entries describe the fun she was having with her classmates.

"church with Miss Barry": Miss Barry would probably have attended the Kirk of St. James in Charlottetown, a Scottish Presbyterian church close to the wealthy area of Brighton. Montgomery attended several different churches while living in Charlottetown, including the Kirk.
Public Archives and Record Office of Prince Edward Island, Acc3466/HF72.66.13. 16 and 17