Chapter 35 - (VERSO)
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in the Second Year classes Stella Maynard carried off the palm for beauty(begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)U18(end superscript) Ethel Marr was admitted (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)by all competent judges(end superscript) to have the most stylish modes of hair-dressing and Jane Andrews—plain, plodding, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)conscientious(end superscript) Jane—carried off the honours in the domestic science course. Even Josie Pye attained a certain pre-eminence as the sharpest-tongued young lady in attendance at Queen’s. So it may be fairly stated that Miss Stacy’s old pupils held their own in the wider arena of the academical course.
Anne worked hard and steadily. Her rivalry with Gilbert was as intense as it had ever been in Avonlea school, but somehow although it was not known in the class at large, but somehow the bitterness had gone out of it. Anne no longer
LMM Notes
LMM Note U18
with a small but critical minority in favour of Anne Shirley.
"domestic science course": An emerging professional field for women in the study of household skills, sometimes known as "home economics." Students would study (and practice) sewing, cooking, home design, and even budgeting in tandem with larger subjects like textile science, nutrition, and even human development. Montgomery paid for her beloved cousin, Frederica Campbell, to take the new Domestic Science program at Macdonald College in Montreal using some of the royalties she earned from her first books.