Chapter 30 - (VERSO)
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Mrs. Lynde came up the next afternoon to find out why Marilla had not been at the Aid meeting on Thursday. When Marilla was not at Aid meeting people knew there was something wrong at Green Gables.
“Matthew had a bad spell with his heart on Thursday,” Marll Marilla explained, “and I didn’t feel like leaving him. Oh, yes, he’s all right again now, but he takes them spells oftener than he used to and I’m anxious about him. The doctor says he must be careful and to avoid avoid excitement. That’s easy enough, for Matthew doesn’t go about looking for excitement by any means (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)and never did(end superscript) but he’s not to do any very heavy work either and you might as well tell Matthew not to breathe as not to work. Come and lay off your things, Rachel. You’ll

"Matthew had a bad spell with his heart": A "bad heart spell" could mean a number of things. But since heart problems where little understood, so were cures. Here, an ad from the Charlottetown Guardian for "Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart" that claims to take bring relief to all "heart-sickened" patients.
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