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Chapter 30 - (VERSO)

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she was and how much she wished she hadn’t been so proud proud and horrid! She determined to “shroud her feelings in deepest oblivion” and it may be stated here and now that she did it so successfully that Gilbert, who possibly was not quite so indifferent as he seemed, could not console himself with any belief that Anne felt his retaliatory scorn. The only poor comfort he had was that she snubbed Charlie Sloane, unmercifully, continually and undeservedly.

Otherwise the winter passed away in a round of pleasant duties and studies. For Anne the days slipped by like golden beads on the neck-


"shroud her feelings in deepest oblivion": Rubio and Waterston in the Norton Critical Edition suggest this is adapted from Scott’s (1821) novel Kenilworth, Chapter 36 (p.198, n. 2).