Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 14 - (VERSO)


Address:-                                                                              At usual rates.

Miss L.M. Montgomery
P.E. Island. Can.

The Violet’s Spell
Lucy Maud Montgomery

Only a violet in the trodden street
Breathing its purple life out ‘neath the tread
Of hundreds restless, eager, hurrying feet
Ere set of sun the frail thing will be dead,
“Only a violet”, so its loser said.

As in a dream the dusty street passed then,
Unheeded on my ear its tumult fell,
I saw a vision from the past again
T That wove across my heart a nameless spell,
Fond memories of a spot I once loved well.


The first page of Montgomery's poem, "The Violet's Spell" (1894). This was the first piece of writing for which she received payment, in the form of two magazine subscriptions (September 28, 1893, Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery, The P.E.I. Years, Volume 1, p. 170).