Chapter 9 - (VERSO)
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it hard to believe—as we did at other times—that Aunt Olivia had once been a girl herself.
This day she picked the roses absently, and shook the fairy petals into her little sweet-grass basket with the air of a woman whose thoughts were far away. We said nothing, knowing that Aunt Olivia’s secrets always came our way in time. When the rose-leaves were picked, we carried them in and upstairs in single file, Aunt Olivia bringing up the rear to pick up any stray rose-leaf we might drop. In the south-west room, where there was no carpet to fade, we spread them on newspapers on the floor. Then we put our sweet-grass

From "Aunt Olivia's Beau," which was first published in Designer magazine in June 1905, reprinted in numerous other newspapers in North America and Australia, and then included in Chronicles of Avonlea (1912). The original publication featured illustrations by Harry A. Linnell. See the original publication here.
KindredSpaces, LMMI, Robertson Library