Chapter 35
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forward to—a whole winter of studies and classes. And here we are, with the exams looming up next week. Girls, sometimes I feel as if those exams meant everything, but when I look at the big buds swelling on those chestnut trees(begin subscript) ^(end subscript)(begin superscript)and the misty blue air at the end of the streets(end superscript) they don’t seem half so important.”
(begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough)Jane and Ruby and Josie, who had dropped in, did not take this view of it. To them the coming examinations were very important indeed—far more important than chestnut buds or May-time hazes. It was all very well for Anne, who was sure of passing at least, to have her moments of belittling them, but when your whole future depended on them you could —as the girls truly thought theirs did—you could not regard them philosophically.
“I’ve lost seven pounds in the last two weeks,” sighed Jane. “It’s no use to say don’t worry. I can’t keep I will

"sure of passing at least": The examinations for a teacher's license came after the graduation exercises at P.W.C. Montgomery graduated from P.W.C. on June 8, 1894. The teacher's exams began on June 11 and continued through June 15. Anne, like Montgomery, may have been assured of a pass on the teacher's examinations since she had done so well on the entrance examinations, but there was no guarantee she would achieve the first-class license she desired. For example, Annie Moore, of Crapaud, earned the highest score on the entrance examination, while Montgomery came fifth, but while Montgomery came sixth on the licensing examinations and earned the coveted first-class license, Annie Moore only achieved a second though she had tried for a first. Examination results were posted in the Island newspapers for all to see (detail from Blue Scrapbook, p. 12; Imagining Anne, p. 26).
Confederation Centre of the Arts