Chapter 32
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log bridge, and up the slope, with a fluttering newspaper in her hand.
Anne s Anne sprang to her feet, knowing at once what the paper contained. The pass list was out! Her head whirled and her heart beat until it hurt her. She could not move a step. It seemed an hour to her before Diana came rushing along the hall and burst into the room without even knocking, so great was her excitement.
“Anne, you’ve passed,” she said, “passed the very first—you and Gilbert both—you’re ties—but your name is first. Oh, I’m so proud!”
Diana flung the paper on the table and herself on Anne’s bed, utterly breathless and incapable of further speech. Anne Anne lighted the lamp, over-setting the match-safe and using up half a dozen matches before her
"passed the very first": Montgomery got fifth place. The 1893 pass list appeared in The Daily Examiner on July 15.
Island Newspapers
"the match safe": A small container for matches that was kept near a lamp. They were often made of sterling silver and included a rough surface for striking, and lighting, a match.