Chapter 31 - (VERSO)
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were sleigh drives and skating frolics galore.
Between times Anne grew, shooting up so rapidly that Marilla was astonished one day, when they were standing side by side, to find the girl was taller than herself.
“Why, Anne, how you’ve grown!” she said, almost unbelievingly. A sigh followed on the words. Marilla felt a queer regret over Anne’s inches. The child she had loved learned to love had vanished (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)somehow(end superscript) and here was this tall, serious-eyed girl of 15, with the thoughtful brows and the proudly poised little head, in her place. Marilla loved the girl as much as she had loved the child but she was conscious of a queer, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)sorrowful(end superscript) sense of

"skating frolics galore": PIctured here, a "skating on Tryon Mill Pond," from Christmas 1910.
Public Archives and Record Office of Prince Edward Island, Acc 2667/155