Chapter 30
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You won’t be ready to try the entrance for a year and a half yet. But it’s well to begin in time and be thoroughly grounded, Miss Stacy says.”
“I shall take more interest than ever in my studies now,” said Anne blissfully, “because I have a purpose in life. Mr. Allan says everybody should have a purpose in life and pursue it faithfully, only he says we must first make sure that it is a worthy purpose. I would call it a worthy purpose to want to be a teacher like Miss Stacy, wouldn’t you, Marilla?” I think it’s a very noble profession.”
The Queen’s class was organized in due time. Gilbert Blythe, Anne Shirley, Ruby Gillis, Jane Andrews
"well to begin in time": Montgomery noted in her journal that she began preparing for her entrance exams nearly a full year before they began. "I feel happier and more contented to-day than I have felt for a long time. It was decided to-day that I am to go to school here again and study for Prince of Wales and a teacher's license. I am delighted" (Complete Journals, The P.E.I. Years, Volume 1, p. 141).