Chapter 29
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Carmody. It’s to be done Saturday night and I’m trying not to imagine myself walking up the church aisle on Sunday in my new suit and cap, because I’m afraid it isn’t right to imagine such things. But it just slips into my mind in spite of me. My cap is so pretty. It is one Matthew bought it for me the day we were over at Carmody. It is one of those little blue velvet ones, Your hat that are all the rage, with gold cord and tassels. Your new hat is elegant, Diana, and so becoming. Do you When I saw you come into church last Sunday my heart swelled with pride to think you were my dearest friend. Do you suppose it’s wrong for us to think so much about our clothes? Marilla says it is very sinful. But it is such
"little blue velvet ones": Probably a small tam-like hat, to which cord could be added.