Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 27

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gray sod. The spring was abroad in the land and Marilla’s sober, middle-aged step was lighter and swifter because of its deep primal gladness.

Her eyes dwelt affectionately on Green Gables, peering through its network of trees and reflecting the sunlight back from its windows in sev several little coruscations of glory. Marilla, thought as she picked her steps along the damp lane, thought that it was really a satisfaction to know that she was going home to a briskly snapping wood fire and a table nicely spread for tea, instead of to the cold comfort of old Aid meetings before Anne had come to Green Gables.

Consequently, when Marilla entered


"coruscations": Flashes.


black and white photo of two women and a man holding a baby, smiling at a table laid for tea

"a table nicely spread for tea": A photo of Montgomery, her cousin Frederica Campbell, husband Ewan, and baby Chester, in the Macdonalds' dining room at the Leaskdale Manse. Montgomery wasn't always pleased with the room (its many doors making it hard to decorate), but the scene here is cosy and welcoming, the kind of scene Marilla hoped to find.
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph, L.M. Montgomery Collection