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Chapter 26 - (VERSO)

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I have a story club all our own and write stories for practice. I’ll help you along until you can do them by yourself. You ought to cultivate your imagination, you know. Miss Stacy says so. Only we must take the right way. I told her about the Haunted Wood, but she said we went the wrong way about it in that.”

This was how the story club came into existence. It was limited to Diana and Anne at first, but soon it was extended to include Jane Andrews and Ruby Gillis and one or two others (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)who felt that their imaginations needed cultivating. (end superscript)No boys were allowed in it (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)S15(end superscript) and each member had to produce one story a week.

“It’s extremely interesting,” Anne told Marilla. “Each girl has to read her story out loud and then we


LMM Notes

LMM Note S15
—although Ruby Gillis opined that their admission would make it more exciting—


"the story club”: Montgomery tells about her own (slightly different) story club experience in The Alpine Path (p. 57) and in the long January 27, 1911, journal entry matching up facts, fiction, and inspirations. (Complete Journals, The P.E.I. Years, Volume 2, pp. 355–56)