Chapter 26 - (VERSO)
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in on Monday is terrible. The idea of Miss Stacy telling us to write a story out of our own heads!”
“Why, it’s as easy as wink,” said Anne.
“It’s easy for you because you have an imagination,” retorted Diana, “but what would you do if you had been born without one? I suppose you have your composition all done?”
Anne nodded, trying hard not to look victoriously complacent and failing miserably.
“I wrote it last Monday evening. It’s called ‘The Jealous Rival’ (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)or ‘In Death Not Divided’.(end superscript) I read it to Marilla and she said it was stuff and nonsense. Then I read it to Matthew and he said it was fine. It’s a That is the kind of critic I like. It’s a sad, sweet story. about two I hav just cried like a child when I was writing it. It’s about two beau-
“In Death Not Divided”: An allusion (unintentional, on Anne’s part) to the biblical story of Saul and Jonathan in II Samuel 1:23.
"That's the kind of critic I like": In Anne of Green Gables—The Musical(begin superscript)TM(end superscript), Anne and Matthew sing a duet called "Humble Pie" that includes the lines, " Critics can’t bother me, / ‘cause I tell them I agree, / when they’re finding fault, I don’t deny. / You can do, If you try it. / You won’t rue it, be like I, / I keep happy eating humble pie."