Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 23 - (VERSO)

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bigger than anybody else’s in Avonlea. Every Friday other Friday afternoon she has recitations and everybody has to say a piece or take part in a dialogue. Oh, it’s just glorious to think of it. Josie Pye says she hates it but that is just because Josie has so little imagination. (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)H14(end superscript) And the Friday afternoons they don’t have recitations Miss Stacy takes them all to the woods for a “field” day and they study ferns and flowers and birds. And they have physical culture exercises morning and evening. Mrs. Lynde says she never heard of such goings-on and it all comes of having a lady teacher. But I think it must be splendid and I believe I shall find that Miss Stacy is a kindred spirit.”

“There’s one plain thing to be seen, Anne,” said Marilla, “and that is


LMM Notes

LMM Note H14
Diana and Ruby Gillis and Jane Andrews are preparing a dialogue called "A Morning Visit" for next Friday. (begin strikethrough)But(end strikethrough)


corner of a scrapbook page with a ribbon-tied spray of flowers

"takes them all to the woods for a 'field' day": Nature study was becoming very popular in schools at the turn of the century. Frederica Campbell, Montgomery’s cousin, took a course in nature study in Guelph while she was still teaching on P.E.I. Miss Gordon, Montgomery’s teacher, took her students on Mayflower Picnics, which were also nature study classes. Here, a detail from Montgomery’s Red Scrapbook, commemorating a "Mayflower Picnic" in May of 1890. (Red Scrapbook, p. 34; Imagining Anne, p. 139).
Confederation Centre of the Arts


a sketch of 9 figures doing different arm movements to model how to do them on one's own

"physical culture : This would become "physical education" but also included posture and straight-backed walking. Pictured here, an illustration of "free exercises" in a chapter on "Calisthenics for Ladies" from Cassell's Household Guide (circa 1880s). The introduction to the chapter explains that "the object of calisthenic exercises being to secure physical beauty by developing the limbs and muscles of the human frame."