Chapter 23
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for six or seven weeks and I’ll miss the new lady teacher. (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)B14 (end superscript)and Gil—everybody will get ahead of me in class. Oh, I am an afflicted mortal. But I’ll try to bear it all bravely if only you won’t be cross with me, Marilla.”
“There, there, I’m not cross,” said Marilla. “You’re an unlucky child, there’s no doubt about that; but, as you say, you’ll have the suffering of it. Here, now, try and eat some supper.”
“Isn’t it fortunate I’ve got such an imagination?” said Anne. “It will help me through splendidly, I expect.” C14.
Anne had good reason to bless her imagination many a time and oft during the tedious seven weeks that followed. But she was not solely dependent on it. She had many visitors and not a day passed without one or more of the schoolgirls dropping in to bring her flowers and
LMM Notes
LMM Note B14
She won't be new any more by the time I'm able to go to school[.]
LMM Note C14
What do people who haven't any imagination do when they break their bones, do you suppose, Marilla?"