Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 21 - (VERSO)

333 378

“I believe you,” was Marilla’s com- emphatic comment.

“Nobody else asked any except Ruby Gillis, who asked and she asked if there was to be a Sunday school picnic this summer. I didn’t think that was a very proper question to ask because it hadn’t any connection with the lesson but Mrs. Allan – the lesson was about Daniel in the lion’s den – but Mrs. Allan just smiled and said she thought there would be. Mrs. Allan has a lovely smile; she has such exquisite dimples in her cheeks. I wish I had dimples in my cheeks, Marilla. I’m not half so skinny as I was when I came here but I have no dimples yet. If I had perhaps I could influence people for good. Mrs. Allan said we ought always to try to influence other people for good. She talked so nice about everything. I never


"Daniel in the lion's den": The Bible, Daniel 6:16–21. A lesson Anne (or the narrator) cited in an earlier discussion with Mrs. Barry.


"378": Montgomery's penciled re-numberings jump from 372 on the previous page to 378 here.