Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 21 - (VERSO)

225. 365

Chap 21.
“A New Departure in Flavourings.”

“Dear me, there is nothing but meetings in this world, as Mrs. Lynde says,” remarked Anne, putting plaintively, putting her slate and books down on the kitchen table on the last day of June and wiping her (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)red(end superscript) eyes with a very damp handkerchief. “Wasn’t it fortunate, Marilla, that I took an extra handkerchief to school to-day. I had a presentiment that it would be needed.[“]

“I never thought you were so fond of Mr. Phillips that you’d require two handkerchiefs to dry your tears just because he was going away,” said Marilla.

“I don’t think I was crying because I was really so very fond of him,” reflected Anne. “I just cried because all the others did. It was Ruby Gillis started it. Ruby Gillis has always declared she hated Mr. Phillips but just as soon as he got up to make his farewell speech she burst into tears. Then all the girls began to cry, one after the other. I tried to hold out, Marilla. I tried to re-


"365": Continuing her re-numbering from the last chapters, Montgomery has corrected this 225 to "365." These final number changes were made in pencil, possibly suggesting that she was making these adjustments when she had the pencil in her hand already—Xing through the Notes as she typed them up or as she prepared to type them. Did she number the pages ahead of time or did she decide to rearrange chapters and pages, recopying some and not others? Did she pre-number stacks of blank pages and then have to adjust? The page numbers, together with the verso page mystery numbers, suggest that Montgomery had her own systems for correcting and revising—but also sometimes almost bewildered herself with the frequency and quality of her alterations.


"nothing but meetings and partings": The published text, and the whole saying, goes "there are nothing but meetings and partings in this world." Like "scope for imagination" and "kindred spirits," a search for this phrase takes one back to Montgomery. Whatever other text (if any) may have inspired Montgomery to write it, the words are now best known as coming from Anne of Green Gables. In any case, it is a succinct and even wise way of saying what some other writers have said in language less memorable. For example, Samuel Butler's poem "Life after Death" has the lines: "Yet meet we shall, and part, and meet again, / Where dead men meet on lips of living men."