Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 16

stupidly but determinedly.

“Let me get you you a lunch anyhow,” implored Anne. “Let me give you a bit of cake fruit-cake and some of the cherry preserves. Lie down on the sofa for a little while and you’ll be better.(begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough) Where do you feel bad?”

“I must go home,” said Diana, and that was all she would say. In vain Anne pleaded.

“I never heard of company going home without tea,” she mourned. “Oh, Diana, do you suppose that it’s possible you’re really taking the smallpox? If you are I’ll go and nurse you, you can depend on that. I’ll never forsake you. But I do wish you’d stay till after tea.(begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough) Where do you feel bad?”

“I’m awful dizzy,” said Diana.

And, indeed, she walked very dizzily. Anne with tears of disappointment


"lunch": A snack rather than a specified meal.


"Where do you feel bad?": Montgomery tucked this same question into two different lines on this page.