Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 15

had cracked it—slate not head—clear across. W8

Mr. Phillips stalked down the aisle and laid his hand heavily on Anne’s shoulder.

“Anne Shirley, what does this mean?” he said angrily.

Anne returned no answer (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)X8(end superscript) Gilbert it was who spoke up stoutly.

“It was my fault, Mr. Philips. I teased her.”

Mr. Philips paid no heed to Gilbert.

“I am sorry to see a pupil of mine displaying such a temper and such a vindictive spirit,” he said in a solemn tone. (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)Y8(end superscript) “Anne, go and stand on the platform in front of the blackboard for the rest of the afternoon.

Anne would (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)have(end superscript) infinitely preferred a whipping to this punishment


LMM Notes

LMM Note W8
Avonlea school always enjoyed a scene. This was an especially enjoyable one. Everybody said "Oh," in horrified delight. Diana gasped. Ruby Gillis, began who was inclined to the hysterical, began to cry. Tommy Sloane let his team of crickets escape him altogether while he stared open mouthed at the tableau tableau.

LMM Note X8
It was asking too much of flesh and blood to expect her to tell before the whole school that she had been called "Carrots."

LMM Note Y8
as if the mere fact of being a pupil of his ought to root out all evil passions from the hearts of small, imperfect mortals.


pastel sketch of Anne looming over Gilbert, just before cracking the slate

"cracked it": Sybil Tawse illustration from 1933, captioned "You mean, hateful boy!" she exclaimed passionately.


"the platform" would have been a small raised portion of the floor at the front of the room. Typically, this would be only a few inches above the rest of the schoolroom.