Chapter 13
and sitting down before a little heap of red and white diamonds with a sigh. “I think some kinds of sewing would be nice; but there’s no scope for imagination in patchwork. It’s just one little seam after another and you never seem to be getting anywhere. (begin superscript)Z(end superscript)(begin superscript)6(end superscript) I wish time went as quick sewing patches as it does when I’m playing with Diana, though. Oh, we do have such elegant times, Marilla. (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)A7(end superscript) You know that little piece of land (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)across the brook,(end superscript) that runs up between our farm and Mr. Barry’s. It belongs to Mr. William Bell and right in the corner there is a little ring of white birch-trees (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)—the most romantic spot, Marilla. (end superscript)Diana and I have our playhouse there. We call it Idlewild. Isn’t that a poetical name? I assure you it took me some time to think it out. I stayed awake nearly a whole night before I invented it.
LMM Notes
LMM Note Z6
But of course I'd rather be Anne of Green Gables sewing patchwork than Anne of any other place with nothing to do but play.
LMM Note A7
I have to furnish most of the imagination but I'm well able to do that. Diana is simply perfect in every other way.

"there's no scope for imagination in patchwork": Sybil Tawse's illustration of this moment from the 1933 edition of the novel.