Chapter 12
most likely I would go into consumption; I’m so thin as it is, you see. But that would be better than being a trial to you.”
“Nonsense,” said Marilla, (begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough)I don’t vexed at herself for having made the child cry. “I don’t want to send you back to the asylum I’m sure. All I want is that you should behave like other little girls and not make yourself ridiculous. Don’t cry any more. I’ve got some news for you. Diana Barry came home this afternoon. I’m going up to see if I can borrow a skirt pattern from Mrs. Barry and if y[ou] like you can come with me and get

"consumption": Tuberculosis was a common disease in Montgomery's day; her own mother, pictured here, died from it, at age 23, when Maud was 21 months old. The evidence of heightened colour in her cheeks may be a sign of tuberculosis.
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph, L.M. Montgomery Collection