Chapter 11
The next morning warnings of a sick headache prevented Marilla from going to Sunday School with Anne.
“You’ll have to go down and call for Mrs. Lynde, Anne,” she said. “She’ll see that you get into the right class. Now, mind you behave yourself properly. Stay to preaching afterwards and ask Mrs. Lynde to show you our pew. Here’s a cent for collection.(begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough) A6
Anne started off irreproachably, arrayed in the stiff black-and-white sateen, which, while decent as regards length(begin strikethrough),(end strikethrough) contrived to and certainly not open to the charge of skimpiness, contrived to emphasize every corner and angle of her thin figure. Her hat was a little flat, glossy, new sailor, the extrem extreme
LMM Notes
LMM Note A6
Don't stare at people and don't fidget. I shall expect me [corrected to "you" in the published novel] to tell me the text when you come home."