Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Notes - (VERSO)

94                                        Notes

W12 setting a particularly well-balsamed twig afloat.

X12: Diana’s mother had found out about the Haunted Wood and had been decidedly angry over it. As a result Diana had abstained from any further imitative flights of imagination and did not think it prudent to cultivate a spirit of belief even in harmless dryads.

Y12 And Mrs. Lynde says you can never be sure of getting good baking powder nowadays when everything is so adulterated. Mrs. Lynde says the Government ought to take the matter up but she says we’ll never see the day when a Tory Government will do it.

Z12 “and the minister paid her an elegant compliment. He said it was