Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.


36 Notes

O6. She reads entirely too much”–this to Marilla, as the little girls went out—”and I can’t prevent her for her father aids and abets her. She’s always poring over a book. I’m glad she has the prospect of a playmate—perhaps it will take her more out of doors.”

P6 which was full of mellow sunset light streaming through the dark old firs to the west of it,

Q6 Prim, right-angled paths, neatly bordered with clam shells, intersected it like moist red ribbons, and in the beds between old-fashioned flowers ran riot.

R6 “It ought to be over running water. We’ll just imagine this path is running water.(begin strikethrough)”(end strikethrough)

S6 with a laugh fore and aft[.]