Chapter 34 - (VERSO)
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“You’ve been crying,” remarked Josie, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)with aggravating pity.(end superscript) “I suppose you’re homesick— I’ve no some people have so little self-control in that respect. I’ve no intention of being homesick I can tell you. Town’s too jolly after that poky old Avonlea. I wonder how I ever existed there so long. You shouldn’t cry, Anne; it isn’t becoming for your nose and eyes get red, and then you seem all red. (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)P18(end superscript) Have you anything eatable around, Anne? I’m literally starving. Ah, I guessed likely Marilla Marilla’d load up you up with cake. That’s why I called round. Otherwise I’d have gone to the park (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)to hear the band play(end superscript) with Frank Stockley. He boards the same place I do and he’s a sport. He noticed you in class to-day and asked me who the red-headed girl was. I told him you were an orphan
LMM Notes
LMM Note P18
I'd a perfectly scrumptious time in the Academy today. Our French professor is simply a duck. His moustache would give you kerwallops of the heart.
"Our French professor" [in P18]: A photo of the professors at Prince of Wales college, circa 1894.
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph, L.M. Montgomery Collection