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Chapter 34

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“Her husband was a British officer, and she is very careful what sort of boarders she takes. The table Anne will not meet with any objectionable persons under her roof. The table is good and the house is near the Academy in a quiet neighborhood.”

All this might be true, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)and, indeed, proved to be so(end superscript) but it did not materially help Anne in the first agony of homesickness that seized upon her. She looked dismally about her (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)narrow(end superscript) little room, with its dull-papered, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)pictureless(end superscript) walls, its small iron bedstead and empty bookcase; and a horrible choke came into her throat as she thought of her own white room at Green Gables where she would have the pleasant consciousness of a great


"The table": means the food served; a similar synecdoche (using a part to represent the whole) is still used commonly today (and in this novel) with "board," as in "room and board," where "board" stands for the table and thus for the food and meals provided.


"quiet neighborhoods": There were and are several such neighborhoods around the Grafton Street campus of Prince of Wales College, in Charlottetown, Montgomery's "Queen’s Academy." P.W.C., under different names, operated from 1804 to 1969, when it was forced by the provincial government to amalgamate with St. Dunstan’s University. The historic downtown campus location (none of the buildings Montgomery knew have survived) is now occupied by the Island’s technical school, Holland College, and the legacy of P.W.C. lives on with the University of Prince Edward Island, located on the much-expanded campus of the former St. Dunstan’s on University Avenue. The L.M. Montgomery Institute is housed in U.P.E.I.'s Robertson Library, named in honour of the long-time head of P.W.C., Samuel Napier Robertson.