Chapter 33 - (VERSO)
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of the tone he said it in. There was Part of it was anyhow. There was an American sitting behind Jane and me – such a romantic-looking man, Josie Pye says with coal-black hair and eyes. Josie Pye says he is a distinguished artist and that her mother’s cousin (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)in Boston(end superscript) is married to a man that used to go to school with him. Well, we heard him say—didn’t we, Jane?—‘Who is that girl on the platform with the splendid Titian hair(begin strikethrough)'(end strikethrough)? She has a face I should like to paint.’ There now, Anne. But what does Titian hair mean?”
“Being interpreted it means plain red, I guess,” laughed Anne. “Titian was a very famous artist, who liked to paint red-haired women.”
“Did you see all the diamonds
"the splendid Titian hair": Tiziano Vecellio, a 16(begin superscript)th(end superscript)- century Italian painter known in English as Titian, was fond of painting women with red hair. What Montgomery meant by "Titian" red became part of a lawsuit with L.C. Page Company. In a June 18, 1920, diary entry, she said "Years ago, when I sat down in that old kitchen at Cavendish, that rainy spring evening, and dowered 'Anne' with red hair, I did not dream that a day would come when it would be fought over like this in a court room." (Complete Journals, Ontario Years 1918–1921, pp. 263–64).