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Chapter 33

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the humiliation which, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)she felt,(end superscript) must ever after be her portion if she did so.

But suddenly, as her dilated, frightened eyes gazed out over the audience, she saw Gilbert Blythe away at the back of the room, bending forward with a smile on his face – a smile which seemed to Anne at once triumphant and taunting. In reality it was nothing of the kind. Gilbert was merely smiling in appreciation of the whole affair in general, and of the effect produced by Anne’s slender white form and spiritual face against a background of palms in particular. Josie Pye, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)whom he had driven over, (end superscript)sat beside him and her face certainly was triumphant and taunting. But Anne did not see Josie and would not have


"must ever after be her portion": A phrase both directly and indirectly biblical. The word "portion" is used this way throughout the Bible, in the Old and New Testaments. It is also used by many poets when they write solemnly or about eternal verities: Milton, Byron, Wordsworth, and Shelley, to name but a few. The narrator is entirely sympathetic with Anne’s fright, and is not mocking her, but there is, nonetheless, humour in the deliberate use of such a biblical/poetic echo in such circumstances.