Chapter 33 - (VERSO)
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for an important toilet was being made.
The east gable was a very different place from what it had been on that night four years before, when Anne had felt its bareness penetrate to the marrow of her spirit with its inhospitable chill. Changes had crept in, Marilla conniving at them resignedly, until it was as sweet and dainty a nest as a young girl could desire.
The velvet carpet with the pink pink roses and pink silk curtains of Anne’s early visions had certainly never materialized; but her dreams had kept pace with her growth and it is not probable she lamented them. , [sic] The floor was covered with a pretty matting, and the curtains at that softened

"as sweet and dainty a nest as a young girl could desire": The Girl's Own Paper (1880–1956) was a "story paper" (a British literary magazine for children) for girls. It featured many articles and stories about how girls should decorate their rooms and about the need to maintain its tidiness. A story from 1880 called "'The Girl's Own' Bed-Room" tells how little Mabel and Nora learned to decorate their room, tastefully, and keep it clean. It includes these images of a girl's room in "Law" "and Order."
"of Anne's early visions": In Chapter 8.