Chapter 32
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forgot to say that it had stopped altogether! – Rfor I knew I could do something with that paper anyhow.
At noon we went home for dinner and then back again for history in the afternoon. The history was a pretty hard paper and I got dreadfully mixed up in the dates. Still, I think I did fairly well to-day. But oh, Diana, to-morrow the geometry exam comes off and when I think of it, it takes every bit of determination I possess to keep me from opening my Euclid.
I went down to see the other girls this evening. On my way I met Moody Spurgeon wandering distractedly around. He said he knew he had failed in history and he was going and he was born to be a disappointment to his parents and he
LMM Notes
LMM Note Y17
If I thought the multiplication table would help me any I would recite it from now till tomorrow morning.