Chapter 31 - (VERSO)
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haunt Anne through the waking hours of that winter, Sunday afternoons inclusive, to the almost entire exclusion of moral and theological problems. When Anne had bad dreams she found herself staring miserably at pass lists of the entrance exams. [sic] where Gilbert Blythe’s name was blazoned at the top and in which hers did not appear at all.
But it was a jolly, busy, happy swift-flying winter. School work was as interesting, class rivalry as absorbing, as of yore. New worlds of thought(begin subscript), ^(end subscript)(begin superscript)feeling(end superscript) and ambition, fres,h, fascinating fields of unexplored knowledge seemed to be opening out before Anne’s eager eyes.
“Hills peeped o’er o’er hills and Alps

"Anne had bad dreams": The exams were daunting, and well-known enough, that local stores even capitalized on them. Here, an ad from a Charlottetown paper in 1897 highlights how at Geo. Carter & Co. Booksellers & Stationers students "will find everything they require in Examination pads, foolscap, inks, pens, pencils …" and so on.
Island Newspapers
"fres,h": A rare stray pen mark, or stray comma, in the middle of a word.