Chapter 30
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running at large through the school for some time that Miss Stacy was not coming back next year (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)N17(end superscript) The Queen’s class listened in breathless suspense for her answer.
“Yes, I think I will,” said Miss Stacy. “I thought of taking another school, but I have decided to come back to Avonlea. Ive To tell the truth, I’ve grown so interested in my pupils here that I found I couldn’t leave them. So I’ll stay and see you through.”
“Hurrah!” said Moody Spurgeon. Moody Spurgeon had never been so carried away by his feelings before, and he blushed (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)uncomfortably(end superscript) every time he thought about it for a week.
“Oh, I’m so glad,” said Anne with shining eyes. “Dear Miss Stacy, it would be perfectly dreadful if you didn’t come back. I don’t believe I could have gone on
LMM Notes
LMM Note N17
— that she had been offered a position in the graded school of her own home district and meant to accept. (begin strikethrough)it(end strikethrough)