Chapter 30
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Haunted Wood. It’s lovely in the woods now. All the little wood things (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)C17(end superscript) have gone to sleep just as if somebody had tucked them away until spring under a blanket of leaves. I think it was a little gray fairy with a rainbow scarf that came tiptoeing along the last moonlight night and did it. Diana wouldn’t say much about that, though. Diana has never forgotten the scolding her mother gave her about imagining ghosts into the Haunted Wood. It had a very bad effect on Diana’s imagination. It blighted it. Mrs. Lynde says Myrtle Bell is a blighted being. I asked Ruby Gillis why Myrtle was blighted and Ruby said she guessed it was because her young man had gone back on her. Ruby Gillis thinks of nothing but young
LMM Notes
LMM Note C17
— the ferns and the satin leaves and the crackerberries —
"crackerberries" [in C17]: A low-growing plant of the dogwood family, with white flowers in the spring that turn to bright red berries in late summer. Commonly called the "Canadian bunchberry," "crackerberry," and "creeping dogwood."
"Imagining ghosts into the Haunted Wood": On the back of her 1921 Cavendish photograph, Montgomery wrote "Entrance to Haunted Woods."
Public Archives and Records Office of Prince Edward Island, Acc2818/2