Warning: If you have a visual impairment, use the manuscript transcript version including the Lucy Maud Montgomery’s foot notes and contextual annotation references.

Chapter 25 - (VERSO)

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some hayseed.”

Miss Harris had heard Matthew Cuthbert called odd. She now concluded he was entirely crazy.

“We only keep hayseed in the spring,” she explained loftily. “We’ve none on hand just now.”

“Oh, certainly—certainly—just as you say,” stammered unhappy Matthew, seizing the rake and making for the door. At the threshold he recollected that he had not paid for it and he turned miserably back. While Miss Harris was counting out his change he rallied his powers for a final desperate attempt.

“Well, now, if it isn’t too much trouble—I might as well—that is—I’d like to look at—at—some sugar.”

“White or brown?” queried Miss Harris, patiently.

“Oh,—well now,—brown,” said Matthew feebly.


", patiently.": This comma had been a period, but Montgomery changed it to add the "patiently" to perhaps temper any impatience on Miss Harris' part.