Chapter 24 - (VERSO)
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nodding across the aisle and Carrie Sloane sending up notes and Julia Bell passing a “chew” of gum down from the back seat. Anne drew a long breath of happiness as she sharpened her pencil and arranged her picture cards in her desk. Life was certainly very interesting.
In the new teacher she found another true and helpful friend. Miss Stacy was a bright, sympathetic young woman with the happy gift of winning and holding the affections of her pupils and bringing out the best that was in them mentally and morally. Anne expanded like a flower under this wholesome influence and carried home to the admiring Marilla Matthew and the critical Marilla glowing accounts of school work and aims.
“I love Miss Stacy (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)with my whole heart,(end superscript) Marilla. She is so ladylike and she has such a sweet

"sharpened her pencil and arranged her picture cards": Anne could be trimming either a soft slate pencil for her slate or a graphite pencil of the kind still used today. Wooden, graphite-filled pencils were created as early as the 16(begin superscript)th(end superscript) century and became popular and widely available in the late 19(begin superscript)th(end superscript) century. Her "picture cards" could refer to cut-outs from magazines and catalogues, advertisements, or specially designed greeting-style cards with pictures and verses since postcards, as we know them, did not become available until the early 1900s. A card from Montgomery's Blue Scrapbook (p.13; Imagining Anne, p. 27.)
Confederation Centre of the Arts