Chapter 23
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she managed to take several steps before the crash catastrophe came. Then she swayed, lost her balance, stumbled, staggered and fell, sliding down over the sun-baked roof and crashing off it through the tangle of Virginia creeper beneath—all before the dismayed circle below could give a simultaneous, terrified shriek.
If Anne had tumbled off the roof on the side up which she ascended it (begin superscript)X13 (end superscript)would probably have been the end of her career. Fortunately she fell on the other side, where the roof extended down over the porch so nearly to the ground that a fall therefrom was a much less serious thing. Nevertheless, when Diana and the other girls had rushed frantically around
LMM Notes
LMM Note X13
Diana would probably have fallen (begin strikethrough)hair(end strikethrough) heir to the pearl-bead ring then and there.

"she managed to take several steps": The Claus illustration of this moment from the 1908 first edition.