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Chapter 23 - (VERSO)

341 415

Josie’s triumph being rather more pronounced than good taste permitted, Anne Shirley dared her to walk along the top of the board fence which bounded the garden to the east. Now, to “walk” board fences requires more skill (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)and steadiness of head and heel(end superscript) than one might suppose who has never tried it. Josie Pye, if deficient in some qualities that make for po popularity had at least a natural (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)and inborn(end superscript) gift, duly cultivated, for walking board fences. Josie walked the Barry fence with an airy unconcern which seemed to imply that a little thing like that wasn’t worth a “dare.” Reluctant admiration greeted her exploit, for most of the other girls had suffered could appreciate it, having suffered many things themselves in their


black and white photo of a barnyard with foraging chickens and a pale board fence

"the board fence": A board fence in the Macneill barnyard.
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph, L.M. Montgomery Collection