Chapter 20
In all essential respects the little gable chamber was unchanged. The walls were as white, the pincushion as hard, the chairs as stiffly upright and yellowly upright as ever. Yet the whole character of the room was altered. It was full of a new vital, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)pulsing(end superscript) personality that seemed to pervade it and to be quite independent of schoolgirl books and dresses and ribbons, and even of the cracked blue jug full of apple blossoms on the table. It was as if all the dreams, of itsvivid sleeping and waking, of its vivid occupant had taken a visible though immaterial form and tapestried the bare room with splendid tis filmy tissues of rainbow and moonshine. Presently Marilla came briskly in

"In all essential respects the little gable chamber was unchanged.": Anne's east gable room at Green Gables Heritage House, which, while full of everyday things, is still imbued with something of Anne's magic.
Parks Canada