Chapter 19
“She’s father’s aunt and she lives in Charlottetown. She’s awfully old—seventy anyhow—and I don’t believe she was ever a little girl. We were expecting her out for a visit but not so soon. She’s awfully prim and proper and she’ll scold dreadfully about this, I know. Well, we’ll have to sleep with Minnie May—and you can’t think how she kicks.”
Miss Josephine Barry did not appear at the early breakfast the next morning. Mrs. Barry smiled kindly at the two little girls.
“Did you have a good time last night. I tried to stay awake until you came home, for I wanted to tell you Aunt Josephine had come and that you would have to go upstairs after all, but I was so

"she's awfully prim and proper": The 1969 Ryerson illustration of Anne and Diana jumping into the bed onto "prim and proper" Aunt Josephine.