Chapter 18 - (VERSO)
through Lover’s Lane and across the crusted field beyond for the snow was too deep to go by the shorter wood way. (begin superscript)I10(end superscript) The night was clear and frosty, (begin superscript)J10(end superscript) big stars were shining over the silent fields; here and there the dark pointed firs stood up with snow powdering their branches and the wind whistling through them. Anne thought it was truly delightful to go skimming through all this mystery and loveliness with your bosom friend who had been so long estranged.
Minnie May, aged three, was really very sick. She lay on the kitchen sofa, feverish and restless, while her hoarse breathing could be heard all over the house. Young Mary Joe, (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)K10(end superscript) was helpless and bewildered, quite incapable of thinking what to
LMM Notes
LMM Note I10
Anne, although sincerely sorry for Minnie May, was far from being insensible to the romance of the situation and to the sweetness of once more sharing that romance with a kindred spirit.
LMM Note J10
all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope
LMM Note K10
a buxom, broad-faced French girl from the Creek, whom Mrs. Barry had engaged to stay with the children (begin strikethrough)in(end strikethrough) during her absence.

"the snow was too deep": Montgomery's photo of the deep snow in the Macneill barnyard.
Archival & Special Collections, University of Guelph, L.M. Montgomery Collection
"Young Mary Joe": Is she related to superstitious Old Mary Joe who is known in Avonlea school circles as able to cure warts? Here, Young Mary Joe is well-meaning, but she is also, reflecting the prejudice against Acadians of the day, somewhat pathetically and comically ineffectual.