Chapter 17 - (VERSO)
begun to go to school. But none developed. Perhaps Anne caught something of the “model” spirit from Minnie Andrews; at least she got on very well with Mr. Phillips thenceforth. She flung herself into her studies heart and soul, determined not to be outdone in any class by Gilbert Blythe. The rivalry between them was soon apparent; it was entirely good-natured on Gilbert’s side; but it is much to be feared that the same thing can not be said of Anne.(begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)X9(end superscript) She would not stop stoop to admit that she meant to rival Gilbert in school work, because that would have been to acknowledge his existence which Anne persistently ignored; but the rv rivalry was there and honours fluctuated between them.
LMM Notes
LMM Note X9
who had certainly an unpraiseworthy tenacity for holding grudges. She was as intense in her hatreds as her loves.