Chapter 17 - (VERSO)
folded, and a small parcel, were passed across to Anne.
“Dear Anne (ran the former),
Mother says I’m not to play with you or talk to you even in school. It isn’t my fault and don’t be cross at me, because I love you as much as ever. I miss you awfully to tell all my secrets to and I don’t like Gertie Pye one bit. I made you one of the new bookmarkers out of (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)red (end superscript)tissue paper. They are awfully fashionable now and only three girls in school know how to make them. When you look at it remember
Your true friend
Diana Barry.
Anne read the note and despatched
![photo of a display of various taxidermied wildlife and framed images](
"new bookmarkers": Montgomery's favourite bookmarks were the postcards she prized from pen-friends. She kept up this practice of saving favourite images in beloved books as soon as she started collecting post cards—as early as 1903 and 1904. George MacMillan sent her this card with a photo of the Canadian display at the Scottish Exhibition in 1908. The card features the wild beasts for which Canada was still best known: moose, bear, etc. The post card was extracted from one of Montgomery's volumes and presented by Ruth Macdonald (Montgomery's son Stuart's wife) to a best friend who wanted to give it to her niece, a Montgomery fan. In turn, Joanne Craig gave this post card to the L.M. Montgomery Institute in 2020.
Transcription of MacMillan's 1908 handwritten message: "Here's something that will interest you as a Canadian. I am at present on holiday and have been visiting the Exhibition at Edinburgh. It is a lovely sight, they have a fairy fountain which I feel sure would give you ecstasies, Wish you had been there to see it! Will endeavor to describe it in my next letter. Am sending you by this mail, a novelty in postal souvenirs which I trust will give you pleasure. Regards GBM."
KindredSpaces, LMMI, Robertson Library