Chapter 16 - (VERSO)
She’d listen Likely she’d listen to you quicker than to me.”
“Well, I will,” said Marilla, reflecting that it would probably be the wiser course. “Don’t cry any more, Anne. It will be all right.”
Marilla had changed her mind about its being all right by the time she got back Anne from Orchard Slope. Anne was watching for her coming and flew to the porch door to meet her.
“Oh, Marilla, I know by your face that it’s been no use,” she said (begin subscript)^(end subscript)(begin superscript)sorrowfully(end superscript) “Mrs. Barry won’t forgive me?”
“Mrs. Barry, indeed!” snapped Marilla. “Of all the unreasonable women I ever saw she’s the worst. I told her it was all a mistake but she and you weren’t to blame, but she just simply didn’t believe me. And she rubbed it well

Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management (first edition, 1861, followed by many updates and reprints) was the first cookbook designed for homecooks, and it was widely read until the First World War. It provides a clear recipe for currant wine. No doubt Marilla, and Montgomery's grandmother, would have followed a similar process.
Ingredients.—Ripe red currants. To each gallon of fruit allow 1½ gallons of cold water, and 5 lbs. either loaf sugar or good preserving sugar, and ½ a pint of good brandy.
Method.—Remove the stalks from the currants, put them into an earthenware bowl, bruise them well with a wooden spoon, and drain off the juice. Put the juice aside, add the water to the berries, let it stand for 2 or 3 hours, stirring occasionally meanwhile. At the end of this time strain the liquid from the berries into the juice, add ¾ of the sugar, stir occasionally until dissolved, then pour the whole into a cask, filling it three parts full. Bung closely, but place a vent peg near the top of the cask, and let the cask remain for 1 month where a uniform temperature of about 65° Fahr. can be maintained. Dissolve the remainder of the sugar in the smallest possible quantity of warm water, mix it well with the contents of the cask, replace the bung, and allow the cask to remain undisturbed for 6 weeks longer. Now drain off the wine into a clean, dry cask, add the brandy, let the cask stand for about 6 months in a dry, warm place, then bottle and cork tightly. The wine may be used at once, but will be better if kept for 12 months at least.